Paxton City Council discusses codifying code, post office, pay raise, and food trucks


The Paxton City Council met for its regular meeting on Nov. 21, at Paxton Town Hall. City Attorney Clay Adkinson brought forward information regarding codifying Paxton’s code of ordinances and resolutions. Municode is a company that specializes in codifying legal documents for local governments across the country, charging $10,250 over the span of 18 to 24 months for their services. 

Adkinson acknowledged that this is a large sum of money but still recommended going through the process, since Paxton has never had their code codified. Adkinson also informed the council that this will need to be done in order for Walton County Code Enforcement to start enforcing the code since then it will be publicly available for citizens, both from the perspective of notice as well as for their own reference. Council member Donna Smith expressed support and asked, “what is code to us if we have nothing for them to enforce?” 

Adkinson went on to recommend allowing City Clerk Judy Williams to bring back this year’s upcoming budget to match funds to Municode’s proposal and make sure Paxton can afford it before moving ahead. No motion was needed until Williams brings back the needed information. 

Paxton has received one sealed bid for the rental of the old post office building but has yet to open it because Williams is having trouble getting in contact with the postmaster in Crestview. Williams needs to speak with them regarding what is needed to be taken out of the building prior to rental. The recommendation from Williams is to table the bid until Crestview’s postmaster can be contacted. A motion was officially passed to table opening the bid until the postmaster can be contacted. 

Paxton Mayor Ann Sexton requested the council approve of a one-time pay raise that equates to one week’s worth of pay that is traditionally given to staff in November. A motion was passed for the one-time pay raise. Sexton went on to announce that there will be cemetery mapping training on Dec. 6 that both Williams and the utility clerk will need to attend. Therefore City Hall will close at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 6, and there will be a notice sent out in the upcoming water bills. 

Council member Donna Smith was approached by the owner of the Scoops Sweets and Treats and Black Sheep food trucks regarding occasionally bringing his trucks to Paxton. He is open to setting up anywhere the town approves either in front of the Agricultural Center or near the ball fields when they are not in use. The owner understands that trucks already do so, but wanted to gain approval from the city first. Williams agreed that there are a few trucks that already come to town.

   Adkinson explained that Walton County’s policy is that commercial activities are prohibited on public properties, but not food trucks. The city or county cannot regulate food trucks. Smith was informed that the food trucks can be set up as long as they do not interfere with city business, but not in the county park.